Project summary
Climate change is one of the main global threats to biodiversity. Understanding how species respond to climate change is pivotal for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management. Boreal and alpine regions are likely to be especially affected by climate change, particularly in Europe. Large carnivores inhabiting these regions may be good indicators of ongoing climate and environmental changes. […]
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The main goal of the GLOBE project is to assess the effects of climate change on the Carpathian and Scandinavian brown bear populations and how these effects are mediated by human-related factors, and disentangle the mechanisms for climate-change adaptation in large carnivores from boreal and alpine ecosystems. Within the GLOBE project, we want to: determine […]
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WP1. Climate change effects on brown bear winter ecology and distribution range We will assess recent changes in the climatic conditions of boreal and alpine ecosystems, particularly in the current area of distribution of brown bears in Scandinavia and the northern Carpathians. Our main question is whether bear winter ecology (denning patterns, activity and movements in winter) […]
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To learn about brown bears behavior, how they move through and use the landscape and habitat, what they eat and if their diet changed over last centuries, where they rest, how long they sleep during the winter or maybe why some of them stay active, how far they move and disperse, how they respond to human activities […]
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Project GLOBE (POL-NOR/198352/85/2013) is funded from Norway Grants in the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme operated by the National Centre for Research and Development. The aim of the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme is to reduce economic and social differences and to promote bilateral cooperation between the two countries, Poland and Norway, through popularization and support of scientific research. The Programme prioritize […]
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