Scientific articles

Scientific publications of the Carpathian Brown Bear Project team:

Clapham, M., Wilson, A. E., Williams, C. L., Sergiel, A. 2023. Brown bear skin‑borne secretions display evidence of individuality and age‑sex variation. Scientfic Reports 13: 3163.

Blaise, A., Kiewra, D., Chrząścik, K., Selva, N., Popiołek, M., Sergiel, A. 2023. Anti-parasitic function of tree-rubbing behaviour in brown bears suggested by an in vitro test on a generalist ectoparasite. Journal of Zoology

Skoko, B., Kovačić, M., Lazarus, M., Sekovanić, A., Kovačić, J., Sergiel, A., Zwijacz-Kozica, T., Reljić, S., Petrinec, B., Selva, N., Huber, D. 2022. 90Sr and stable element levels in bones of brown bears: long-term trends in bear populations from Croatia and Poland. Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research:

Babic, N. L., Johnstone, C. P., Reljić, S., Sergiel, A., Huber, D., Reina, R. D. 2022. Evaluation of physiological stress in free-ranging bears: current knowledge and future directions. Biological Reviews

Broekman M.J., Hilbers J.P., Huijbregts M.A., Mueller T., Ali A.H., Andrén H., Altmann J., Aronsson M., Attias N., Bartlam-Brooks H.L.A., van Beest F.M., Belant J.L., Beyer D.E., Bidner L., Blaum N., Boone R.B., Boyce M.S., Brown M.B., Cagnacci F., Černe R., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Dejid N., Dekker J., Desbiez A.L.J., Díaz-Muñoz S.L., Fennessy J., Fichtel C., Fischer C., Fisher J.T., Fischhoff I., Ford A.T., Fryxell J.M., Gehr B., Goheen J.R., Hauptfleisch M., Hewison A.J.M., Hering R., Heurich M., Isbell L.A., Janssen R., Jeltsch F., Kaczensky P., Kappeler P.M., Krofel M., LaPoint S., Latham A.D.M., Linnell J.D.C., Markham A.C., Mattisson J., Medici E.P., Miranda Mourão G., van Moorter B., Morato R.G., Morellet N., Mysterud A., Mwiu S., Odden J., Olson K.A., Ornicāns A., Pagon N., Panzacchi M., Persson J., Petroelje T., Rolandsen C.M., Roshier D., Rubenstein D.I., Saïd S., Salemgareyev A.R., Sawyer H., Schmidt N.M., Selva N., Sergiel A., Stabach J., Stacy-Dawes J., Stewart F.E.C., Stiegler J., Strand O., Sundaresan S., Svoboda N.J., Ullmann W., Voigt U., Wall J., Wikelski M., Wilmers C.C., Zięba F., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Schipper A.M., Tucker M.A. 2022. Evaluating expert‐based habitat suitability information of terrestrial mammals with GPS‐tracking data. Global Ecology and Biogeography:

García-Rodríguez, A.Albrecht, J.Farwig, N.Frydryszak, D.Parres, A.Schabo, D. G., & Selva, N. (2021). Functional complementarity of seed dispersal services provided by birds and mammals in an alpine ecosystem. Journal of Ecology, 001– 16

García-Rodríguez A., Selva N., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Albrecht J., Lionnet C., Rioux D., Taberlet P., De Barba M. 2021.The bear-berry connection: Ecological and management implications of brown bears’ food habits in a highly touristic protected area. Biological Conservation 264, 2021, 109376,

Bautista C, Revilla E, Berezowska-Cnota T, Fernández N, Naves J, Selva N. 2021 Spatial ecology of conflicts: Unravelling patterns of wildlife damage at multiple scales. Proc. R. Soc. B 20211394.

Gangoso L., Cortés-Avizanda A., Sergiel A., Pudifoot B., Miranda F., Muñoz J., Delgado-González A., Moleón M., Sánchez-Zapata J.A., Arrondo E., Donázar J.A. 2021. Avian scavengers living in anthropized landscapes have shorter telomeres and higher levels of glucocorticoid hormones. Science of the Total Environment 782: 146920.

Cimatti M., Ranc N., Benítez-López A., Maiorano L., Boitani L., Cagnacci F., Čengić M., Ciucci P., Huijbregts M., Krofel M., López Bao J.V., Selva N., Andren H., Bautista C., Cirovic D., Hemmingmoore H., Reinhardt I., Marenče M., Mertzanis Y., Pedrotti L., Trbojević I., Zetterberg A., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Santini L. 2021. Large carnivore expansion in Europe is associated with human population density and land cover changes. Diversity and Distributions 27: 602–617.

García-Rodríguez A., Albrecht J., Szczutkowska S., Valido A., Farwig N., Selva N. 2021. The role of the brown bear Ursus arctos as a legitimate megafaunal seed disperser. Scientific Reports 11 (1): 1282.

Lambertucci S.A., Margalida A., Speziale K.L., Amar A., Ballejo F., Bildstein K.L., Blanco G., Botha A.J., Bowden Ch.G.R., Cortés‐Avizanda A., Duriez O., Green R.E., Hiraldo F., Ogada D., Plaza P., Sánchez‐Zapata J.A., Santangeli A., Selva N., Spiegel O., Donázar J.A. 2021. Presumed killers? Vultures, stakeholders, misperceptions, and fake news. Conservation Science and Practice: e415.

Sebastián‐González E., Morales‐Reyes Z., Botella F., Naves‐Alegre L., Pérez‐García J.M., …Selva N.,…Sánchez-Zapata J.A. 2021. Functional traits driving species role in the structure of terrestrial vertebrate scavenger networks. Ecology 28: e03519.

Revilla, E., Ramos Fernández, D., Fernández-Gil, A., Sergiel, A., Selva, N., Naves, J. 2021. Brown bear communication hubs: Patterns and correlates of pedal marking and tree rubbing at a long term marking site. PeerJ 9: e10447.

Wilson A.E., Sergiel A., Selva N., Swenson J.E., Zedrosser A., Stenhouse G., Janz D.M.. 2021. Correcting for enzyme immunoassay changes in long term monitoring studies. MethodsX 8, 2021, 101212,

Nunny L., Bautista C., Palazón S., Trites A. W., van Liere D. and Simmonds M.P. 2020. Predator Control on Land and at Sea: A Comparison and Call for Common Standards of Assessment. CDP News 20: 13-19

Sergiel A., Barja I., Navarro-Castilla A., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Selva N. 2020. Losing seasonal patterns in a hibernating omnivore? Diet quality proxies and faecal cortisol metabolites in brown bears in areas with and without artificial feeding. PLoS ONE 15(11): e0242341.

Parres A., Palazón S., Afonso I., Quenette P.-Y., Batet A., Camarra J.-J., Garreta X., Gonçalves S., Guillén J., Mir S., Jato R., Rodríguez J., Sentilles J., Xicola L., Melero Y. 2020. Activity patterns in the reintroduced Pyrenean brown bear population. Mammal Research 65 (3): 435-444.

García-Rodríguez A., Rigg R., Elguero-Claramunt I., Bojarska K., Krofel M., Parchizadeh J., Pataky T., Seryodkin I., Skuban M., Wabakken P., Zięba F., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Selva N. 2020. Phenology of brown bear breeding season and related geographical cues. The European Zoological Journal, 87:1, 552-558, DOI: 10.1080/24750263.2020.1801866

Podgórski T., Acevedo P., Apollonio M., Berezowska‐Cnota T., Bevilacqua C., Blanco J.A., Borowik T., Garrote G., Huber D., Keuling O., Kowalczyk R., Mitchler B., Michler F.U., Olszańska A., Scandura M., Schmidt K., Selva N., Sergiel A., Stoyanov S., Vada R., Vicente J. 2020. Guidance on estimation of abundance and density of wild carnivore population: methods, challenges, possibilities. EFSA Supporting Publications: External scientific report. First published: 03 November 2020,

Selva N., Chylarecki P., Jonsson B.-G., Ibisch P. 2020. Misguided forest action in EU Biodiversity Strategy. Science Vol. 368, Issue 6498, pp. 1438-1439, DOI: 10.1126/science.abc9892

Noonan M.J., Fleming C.H., Tucker M.A., Kays R., Harrison A.L., Crofoot M.C., Abrahms B., Alberts S.C., Ali A.H., Altmann J., Castro Antunes P., Attias N., Belant J.L., Beyer D.E., Bidner L.R., Blaum N., Boone R.B., Caillaud D., Cunha de Paula R., De la Torre J.A., Dekker J., De Perno C.S., Farhadinia M., Fennessy J., Fichtel C., Fischer C., Ford A., Goheen J.R., Havmøller R.W., Hirsch B.T., Hurtado C., Isbell L.A., Janssen R., Jeltsch F., Kaczensky P., Kaneko Y., Kappeler, P., Katna A., Kauffman M., Koch F., Kulkarni A., LaPoint S., Leimgruber P., Macdonald D.W., Catherine Markham A., McMahon L., Mertes K., Moorman C.E., Morato R.G., Moßbrucker A.M., Mourão G., O’Connor D., Oliveira-Santos L.G.R., Pastorini J., Patterson B.D., Rachlow J., Ranglack D.H., Reid N., Scantlebury D.M., Scott D.M., Selva N., Sergiel A., Songer M., Songsasen N., Stabach J.A., Stacy-Dawes J., Swingen M.B., Thompson J.J., Ullmann W., Tamim Vanak A., Thaker M., Wilson J.W., Yamazaki K., Yarnell R.W., Zieba F., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Fagan W.F., Mueller T., Calabrese J.M. 2020. Effects of body size on estimation of mammalian area requirements. Conservation Biology (34): 1017-1028.

Diserens T.A., Churski M., Bubnicki J.W., Stępniak K., Pekach A., Selva N., Kuijper D.P.J. 2020. A dispersing bear in Białowieża Forest raises important ecological and conservation management questions for the central European lowlands. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01190.

Lazarus M., Orct T., Sergiel A., Vranković L., Filipović Marijić V., Rašić D., Reljić S., Aladrović J., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Zięba F., Jurasović J., Erk M., Maślak R., Selva N., Huber Đ. 2020. Metal(loid) exposure assessment and biomarker responses in captive and free-ranging European brown bears (Ursus arctos). Environmental Research 183: 109166

Sergiel A., Cattet M., Kapronczai L., Janz D. M., Selva N., Bartoń K. A., Swenson J. E., Zedrosser A.2020. Do follicles matter? Testing the effect of follicles on hair cortisol levels. Conservation Physiology 18(1): coaa003

Expósito-Granados M., Castro A.J., Lozano J., Aznar-Sanchez J.A., Carter N.H., Requena-Mullor J.M., Malo A.F., Olszańska A., Morales-Reyes Z., Moleón M., Sá J.A. 2019. Human-carnivore relations: conflicts, tolerance and coexistence in the American West. Environmental Research Letters 14 (123005)

Lozano J., Olszańska A., Morales-Reyes Z., Castro A.A., Malo A.F., Moleón M., Sánchez-Zapata J.A., Cortés-Avizanda A., von Wehrden H., Dorresteijn I., Kansky R., Fischer J., Martín-López B. 2019. Human-carnivore relations: A systematic review. Biological Conservation 237: 480-492.

Sienkiewicz T., Sergiel A., Huber D., Maślak R., Wrzosek M., Podgórski P., Reljić S., Paśko Ł. 2019. The brain anatomy of the brown bear (Carnivora, Ursus arctos L., 1758) compared to that of other carnivorans: a cross-sectional study using MRI. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 13: 79

Bombieri G., J. Naves, V. Penteriani, N. Selva, A. Fernández-Gil, J. V. López-Bao, H. Ambarli, C. Bautista, T. Bespalova, V. Bobrov, V. Bolshakov, S. Bondarchuk, J. J. Camarra, S. Chiriac, P. Ciucci, A. Dutsov, I. Dykyy, J. M. Fedriani, A. García-Rodríguez, P. J. Garrote, S. Gashev, C. Groff, B. Gutleb, M. Haring, S. Härkönen, D. Huber, M. Kaboli, Y. Kalinkin, A. A. Karamanlidis, V. Karpin, V. Kastrikin, L. Khlyap, P. Khoetsky, I. Kojola, Y. Kozlow, A. Korolev, N. Korytin, V. Kozsheechkin, M. Krofel, J. Kurhinen, I. Kuznetsova, E. Larin, A. Levykh, V. Mamontov, P. Männil, D. Melovski, Y. Mertzanis, A. Meydus, A. Mohammadi, H. Norberg, S. Palazón, L. M. Pătrașcu, K. Pavlova, P. Pedrini, P. Y. Quenette, E. Revilla, R. Rigg, Y. Rozhkov, L. F. Russo, A. Rykov, L. Saburova, V. Sahlén, A. P. Saveljev, I. V. Seryodkin, A. Shelekhov, A. Shishikin, M. Shkvyria, V. Sidorovich, V. Sopin, O. Støen, J. Stofik, J. E. Swenson, D. Tirski, A. Vasin, P. Wabakken, L. Yarushina, T. Zwijacz-Kozica & M. M. Delgado. 2019. Brown bear attacks on humans: a worldwide perspective. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 8573

Reljić S., Sergiel A., Prvanović Babić N., Beck A., Kužir,S., Radišić B., Maślak R., Bednarski M., Piasecki T., Huber D., Huber Đ. 2019. Determination of reproductive span through morpho-histological studies on the ovaries of captive brown bears (Ursus arctos) – a short communication. Veterinarski Arhiv 89(2): 233-246.

Bautista C., Revilla E., Naves J., Albrecht J., Fernández N., Olszańska A., Adamec M., Berezowska-Cnota T., Ciucci P., Groff C., Härkönen S., Huber D., Jerina K., Jonozovič M., Karamanlidis A.A., Palazón S., Quenette P.-I., Rigg R., Seijas J., Swenson J.E., Talvi T., Selva N. 2019. Large carnivore damage in Europe: analysis of compensation and prevention programs. Biological Conservation 235: 308-316

Hofman M. P. G., M. W. Hayward, M. Heim, P. Marchand, C. M. Rolandsen, J. Mattisson, F. Urbano, M. Heurich, A. Mysterud, J. Melzheimer, N. Morellet, U. Voigt, B. L. Allen, B. Gehr, C. Rouco, W. Ullmann, Ø. Holand, N. H. Jørgensen, G. Steinheim, F. Cagnacci, M. Kroeschel, P. Kaczensky, B. Buuveibaatar, J. C. Payne, I. Palmegiani, K. Jerina, P. Kjellander, Ö. Johansson, S. LaPoint, R. Bayrakcismith, J. D. C. Linnell, M. Zaccaroni, M. L. S. Jorge, J. E. F. Oshima, A. Songhurst, C. Fischer, R. T. Mc Bride Jr., J. J. Thompson, S. Streif, R. Sandfort, C. Bonenfant, M. Drouilly, M. Klapproth, D. Zinner, R. Yarnell, A. Stronza, L. Wilmott, E. Meisingset, M. Thaker, A. T. Vanak, S. Nicoloso, R. Graeber, S. Said, M. R. Boudreau, A. Devlin, R. Hoogesteijn, J. A. May-Junior, J. C. Nifong, J. Odden, H. B. Quigley, F. Tortato, D. M. Parker, A. Caso, J. Perrine, C. Tellaeche, F. Zieba, T. Zwijacz-Kozica, C. L. Appel, I. Axsom, W. T. Bean, B. Cristescu, S. Périquet, K. J. Teichman, S. Karpanty, A. Licoppe, V. Menges, K. Black, T. L. Scheppers, S. C. Schai-Braun, F. C. Azevedo, F. G. Lemos, A. Payne, L. H. Swanepoel, B. V. Weckworth, A. Berger, A. Bertassoni, G. McCulloch, P. Šustr, V. Athreya, D. Bockmuhl, J. Casaer, A. Ekori, D. Melovski, C. Richard-Hansen, D. van de Vyver, R. Reyna-Hurtado, E. Robardet, N. Selva, A. Sergiel, M. S. Farhadinia, P. Sunde, R. Portas, H. Ambarli, R. Berzins, P. M. Kappeler, G. K. Mann, L. Pyritz, C. Bissett, T. Grant, R. Steinmetz, L. Swedell, R. J. Welch, D. Armenteras, O. R. Bidder, T. M. González, A. Rosenblatt, S. Kachel, N. Balkenhol 2019. Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216223.

Bartoń K.A., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Zięba F., Sergiel A., Selva N. 2019. Bears without borders: Long-distance movement in human-dominated landscapes. Global Ecology and Conservation, Available online 28 January 2019, e00541

Tucker M.A., Böhning-Gaese K., Fagan W.F., Fryxell J.M., Van Moorter B, Alberts S.C., Ali A.H., Allen A.M., Attias N., Avgar T., Bartlam-Brooks H., Bayarbaatar B., Belant J.L., Bertassoni A., Beyer D., Bidner L., van Beest F.M., Blake S., Blaum N., Bracis C., Brown D., de Bruyn P.J.N., Cagnacci F., Calabrese J.M., Camilo-Alves C., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Chiaradia A., Davidson S.C., Dennis T., DeStefano S., Diefenbach D., Douglas-Hamilton I., Fennessy J., Fichtel C., Fiedler W., Fischer C., Fischhoff I., Fleming C.H., Ford A.T., Fritz S.A., Gehr B., Goheen J.R., 
Gurarie E., Hebblewhite M., Heurich M., Hewison A.J.M., Hof C., Hurme E., Isbell L.A., Janssen R., Jeltsch F., Kaczensky P., Kane A., Kappeler P.M., Kauffman M., Kays R., Kimuyu D., Koch F., Kranstauber B., LaPoint S., Leimgruber P., Linnell J.D.C., López-López P., Markham A.C., Mattisson J., Medici E.P., Mellone U., Merrill E., de Miranda Mourão G., Morato R.G., Morellet N., Morrison T.A., Díaz-Muñoz S.L., Mysterud A., Nandintsetseg D., Nathan R., Niamir A., Odden J., O’Hara R.B., Oliveira-Santos L.G.R., Olson K.A., Patterson B.D., de Paula R.C., Pedrotti L., Reineking B., Rimmler M., Rogers T.L., Rolandsen C.M., Rosenberry C.S., 
 Rubenstein D.I., Safi K., Saïd S., Sapir N., Sawyer H., 
 Schmidt N.M., Selva N., Sergiel A., Shiilegdamba E., Silva J.P., Singh N., Solberg E.J., Spiegel O., Strand O., Sundaresan S., Ullmann W., Voigt U., Wall J., Wattles D., Wikelski M., Wilmers C.C., Wilson J.W., Wittemyer G., Zięba F., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Mueller T. 2018. Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 359: 466-469 

Noonan M.J., Tucker M.A., Fleming Ch.H., Akre T.S., Alberts S.C., Ali A.H., Altmann J., Castro Antunes P., Belant J.L., Beyer D., Blaum N., Böhning‐Gaese K., Cullen Jr. L., Cunha de Paula R., Dekker J., Drescher‐Lehman J., Farwig N.,  Fichtel C., Fischer Ch., Ford A.T., Goheen J.R., Janssen R., Jeltsch F., Kauffman M., Kappeler P.M., Koch F., LaPoint S., Markham A.C., Medici E.P., Morato R.G., n Oliveira‐Santos N.L.G.R., Olson K.A., Patterson B.D., Paviolo A., Esterci Ramalho E., Rösner S., Schabo D.G., Selva N., Sergiel A., Xavier da Silva M., Spiegel O., Thompson P., Ullmann W., Zięba F., Zwijacz‐Kozica T., Fagan W.F., Mueller T., Calabrese J.M.  2018. A comprehensive analysis of autocorrelation and bias in home range estimation. Ecological Monographs, 0(0), 2019, e01344. First published: 29 November 2018

Albrecht J., Bartoń K.A. , Selva N., Sommer R.S , Swenson J.E., Bischof R. 2017. Humans and climate change drove the Holocene decline of the brown bearScientific Reports 7: 10399

Berezowska-Cnota T., Luque-Márquez I., Elguero-Claramunt I., Bojarska K., Okarma H., Selva N. 2017. Effectiveness of different types of hair traps for brown bear research and monitoring. PLoS ONE 12(10): e0186605

Sergiel A., Naves J., Kujawski P., Maślak R., Serwa E., Ramos D., Fernández-Gil A., Revilla E., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Zięba F., Painer J., Selva N. 2017. Histological, chemical and behavioural evidence of pedal communication in brown bears. Scientific Reports 7:1052

Sergiel A., Hobson K. A., Janz D. M., Cattet M., Selva N., Kapronczai L., Gryba C., Zedrosser A. 2017. Compatibility of preparatory procedures for the analysis of cortisol concentrations and stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) ratios: a test on brown bear hair. Conservation Physiology 5(1): COX021

Selva N., Teitelbaum C., Sergiel A., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Zięba F., Bojarska K., Mueller T. 2017. Supplementary ungulate feeding affects movement behavior of brown bear. Basic and Applied Ecology 24: 68-76

Bautista C., Naves J., Revilla E., Fernández N., Albrecht J., Scharf A.K., Rigg R., Karamanlidis A.A., Jerina K., Huber D., Palazón S., Kont R., Ciucci P., Groff C., Dutsov A., Seijas J., Quenette P-Y., Olszańska A., Shkvyria M., Adamec M., Ozolins J., Jonozovič M., Selva N. 2016. Patterns and correlates of claims for brown bear damage on a continental scale. Journal of Applied Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12708

Maślak R., Sergiel A., Bowles, D., Paśko Ł. 2016. The Welfare of Bears in Zoos: a Case Study of Poland. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 19 (1): 24-36 

Ziolkowska E., Ostapowicz K., Radeloff V., Kuemmerle T., Sergiel A., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Zięba F., Śmietana W., Selva N. 2016. Assessing differences in connectivity based on habitat versus movement models for brown bears in the Carpathians. Landscape Ecology 03/2016; DOI: 10.1007/s10980-016-0368-8

Bautista C., Olszańska, A., Berezowska-Cnota, T., Fedyń H., Jastrzębski, T., Nowakowski R., Marcela A., Selva N. 2015. Compensations for brown bear damages in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in 1999–2014. Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 71 (6): 442-453

Sergiel A., Bednarski M., Maślak R., Piasecki T., Huber D. 2015. Winter blood values of selected parameters in a group of non-hibernating captive brown bears (Ursus arctos). Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 18 (4): 885-888 

Mateo-Tomas P., Olea P.P., Moleon M., Vicente J., Botella F., Selva N., Vinuela J., Sanchez-Zapata J.A. 2015. From regional to global patterns in vertebrate scavenger communities subsidized by big game hunting. Diversity and Distribution 21 (8): 913–924.

Selva N., Berezowska-Cnota T., Elguero-Claramunt I. 2014. Unforeseen Effects of Supplementary Feeding: Ungulate Baiting Sites as Hotspots for Ground-Nest Predation. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90740

Sergiel A., Maślak R., Zedrosser A., Paśko Ł., Garshelis D., Relić S., Huber D. 2014. Fellatio in captive brown bears: evidence of long-term effects of suckling deprivation? Zoo Biology 33 (4): 349–352 

Maślak, R., Sergiel, A., Hill, S. P. 2013. Some aspects of locomotory stereotypies in spectacled bears (Tremarctos ornatus), and changes in behaviour following relocation and dental treatment. Journal of Veterinary Behavior – Clinical Application and Research 8: 335-341 

Bojarska K., Selva N. 2013. Correction factors for important brown bear foods in Europe. Ursus 24: 13-15.

Fernández N., Selva N., Yuste C., Okarma H., Jakubiec Z. 2012. Brown bears at the edge: Modeling habitat constraints at the periphery of the Carpathian population. Biological Conservation 153: 134-142.

Bojarska K., Selva N. 2012. Spatial patterns in brown bear (Ursus arctos) diet: the role of geographical and environmental factors. Mammal Review 42 (2): 120-143.



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