Hugo inaugurates the season

Within the cooperation agreement between the Institute of Nature Conservation PAS and Tatra National Park bear trapping and collaring have just started. Research conducted within this project should answer several questions about the impact of global and climate changes on the life of bears. The first individual was captured in the last hours of […]

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New publication

First results from the supplementary feeding project conducted by our team have just been published in PLOS ONE. The article, entitled “Unforeseen effects of supplementary feeding: ungulate baiting sites as hotspots for ground-nest predation”, shows an increased nest predation risk for ground-nesting birds in the vicinity of ungulate supplementary feeding sites. The results may have important implications […]

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Project GLOBE – Postdoctoral position

The Institute of Nature Conservation PAS in Krakow offers a postdoctoral position within the project GLOBE (POL NOR/198352/85/2013) „Global climate change and its impact on brown bear populations: Predicting trends and identifying management priorities” to conduct research on the effects of climate change and human-related factors on the stress ecology of the brown bear. […]

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