Ema in the Ostrava region

Female bear reaches Czech Republic

On 9th April 2019 a female bear, named Ema, has been collared in the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Mts (a region near Ostrava), in the Czech Republic. It is the effect of a cooperation among researchers from the Mendel University in Brno, Friends of Earth Czech Republic and our team, realized with a support […]

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Large carnivore long-distance dispersal events documented in Europe

Bears without borders: Long-distance movement in human-dominated landscapes

Large carnivores still move long-distances in the fragmented European landscapes, like the bear Iwo, who travelled from Tatra to Ukraine through Slovakia. Most of these long-distance dispersers died in the way, also legally. We highlight the high conservation value of these individuals in maintaining population connectivity. For more, […]

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