We are excited to welcome Lara Naves Alegre!

Lara will be visiting us from October 4th to 12th. She is an expert in animal behaviour and conservation, with new lines of investigation that focus on using ethology to understand and conserve the Cantabrian brown better. During her stay, she will work on “The Intense Social Life of […]

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New offer! Postdoc position in the WildINTEL project

We invite applications for a postdoc position at our research team in Kraków on artificial intelligence, citizen science and biodiversity monitoring We reopen the postdoc position within the project WildINTEL “Building a scalable WILDlife monitoring system by integrating remote camera sampling and artificial INTELligence with Essential Biodiversity Variables” (2023/05/Y/NZ8/00104). […]

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Please welcome Maria G. Granados!

María is our new short-term intern at the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is a PhD student at the Institute of Advanced Social Sciences (IESA- CSIC) in Córdoba, Spain. With an ecological background, she has previously worked with mammals on both fine and large scales. Additionally, […]

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Short but great visit!

Last week our colleague Jacopo Cerri visited us to discuss mapping wind turbines and other energy infrastructures that threaten the conservation of multiple bird and bat species. During his visit, he gave a seminar about the topic, with a special focus on assessing the quality of existing maps about renewable energy infrastructures through satellite […]

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Welcome our new intern, Titouan Hommeau

We welcome Titouan Hommeau, who joins our team for a 3-month internship at the Institute of Nature Conservation (IOP PAN). Titouan is a master’s student in ecological engineering at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse in France. After his experience in the habitat selection of the Iberian ibex in the Pyrenees, […]

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