Boitani L., Alvarez F., Anders O., Andren H., Avanzinelli E., Balys V., Blanco J. C, Breitenmoser U., Chapron G., Ciucci P., Dutsov A., Groff C., Huber D., Ionescu O., Knauer F., Kojola I., Kubala J., Kutal M., Linnell J., Majic A., Mannil P., Manz R., Marucco F., Melovski D., Molinari A., Norberg H., Nowak S., Ozolins J., Palazon S., Potocnik H., Quenette P.-Y., Reinhardt I., Rigg R., Selva N., Sergiel A., Shkvyria M., Swenson J., Trajce A., Von Arx M., Wolfl M., Wotschikowsky U., Zlatanova D. 2015. Key actions for Large Carnivore populations in Europe. Institute of Applied Ecology (Rome, Italy). Report to DG Environment, European Commission, Bruxelles. Contract no. 07.0307/2013/654446/SER/B3.
Majić Skrbinšek A., Krofel M., Sergiel A., Gutleb B., Groff C., Zlatanova D., Huber D., Tironi E., Rossi E., Knauer F., Rauer G., Nadalin G., Kos I., Camarra J. J., Grab J., Blanco J. C., Jerina K., Elfström M., Wölfl M., Jonozovič M., Blažič M., Haring M., Selva N., Molinari P., Männil P., Genovesi P., Schnidrig R., Rigg R., Chiriac S., Reljić S., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Fattori U., Breitenmoser U., Mertzanis Y. 2015. Defining, preventing, and reacting to problem bear behaviour in Europe. Report to DG Environment, European Commission, by Istituto Ecologia Applicata, Rome under contract no. 07.0307/2013/654446/S/ER/B3 „Support to the European Commission’s policy on large carnivores under the Habitat Directive – Phase Two”, with contributions from the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (SSC/IUCN).